Eduardo SaboritHe was born in Campechuela, today’s eastern province of Granma. Since very young, he proved a gifted and prolific musical composer reflecting a deep “cubanhood” in his lyrics. He is the author of very renowned pieces such as “Cuba, que linda es Cuba” (Cuba, How Beautiful Is Cuba) and the march or hymn of the alphabetization, the latter portraying the labor of thousands of youths aimed at the eradication of illiteracy in Cuba in 1961. Each year, a country music contest is held in Cuba to his memory.

Eduardo Saborit Pérez. Destacado guitarrista y compositor cubano, incursionó en temas como el Triunfo de la Revolución Cubana, la Campaña de Alfabetización, la Lucha Contra Bandidos, la fundación de organizaciones en defensa de la Patria, entre otros aspectos, lo que de manera magistral dejó plasmado en su obra artístico musical.
