Alan Kirk
Songwriter & Recording Artist

"I like to write songs about people, and the experiences and
relationships that are part of our daily lives, and the lives of characters I invent. To me, a good song is one that has emotional impact on the listener. If I can leave you feeling sad, angry or happy about being alive, I’ve done a good job.
My new album covers a lot of ground both musically and topically, so there is something for everyone. I also love doing live performances, to connect with people in different places, and to get their reactions to my songs."

Alan Kirk knows music, knows music
fans, and knows the music industry!
His performing career started at a
young age in the United States where
he played in local and regional
bands. Before moving to Canada,
Alan was involved in starting a
recording studio for area musicians.
Alan worked in the music industry for
a Toronto based music production
company, giving him an excellent
opportunity to make lasting contacts
in music production, publishing, and
film. This was a time where he
focused on his creative side.
Constantly writing and looking for
new avenues for his music, Alan
recently placed his song "Hungry" in a
major TV advertising campaign for
Red Lobster, which also features his
voice. Other exciting licensing and
publishing ventures are in the works.
Alan has also recently been featured
on CBC Radio's Daybreak program.
Alan has played solo, and with other
musicians in the United States,
Canada, New Zealand and Europe.
His live performances are imbued
with a great sense of fun, while
offering an opportunity for audiences
to experience his thoughtful
songwriting, which spans the range of
human experience.
Alan currently lives in the Slocan
Valley in British Columbia's southern
interiour. When Alan is not busy with
myriad creative projects, he enjoys
hiking, skiing and little sports cars.
Alan's new release on Phonic
Records, GETTING THERE, is the
product of a musical and personal
journey that spans the continent.
Recorded in New York, Virginia,
British Columbia and Newfoundland,
the album was carefully crafted over
a two-year period, and features some of Alan's
best songs to date.