Sammi Cheng / 鄭秀文

Antiwar songs by Sammi Cheng / 鄭秀文
MusicBrainzMusicBrainz DiscogsDiscogs Hong Kong Hong Kong

Sammi Cheng / 鄭秀文鄭秀文(英文:Cheng Sau Man,Sammi,1972年8月19日-),籍貫廣東潮州,香港知名女歌手及演員,被譽為香港樂壇天后,在兩岸三地都有很高知名度,目前更被譽為梅艷芳的接班人。

鄭秀文於1990年度《十大中文金曲頒獎音樂會》奪得「最佳新人優異獎」獎項。於1996年度、1997年度、2001年度《十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮》奪得「最受歡迎女歌星」獎項及於1999年度《十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮》憑歌曲《插曲》奪得「金曲金獎」獎項。於2001年度《叱吒樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮》奪得「叱吒樂壇女歌手金獎」獎項及於1996年度、2000年度、2001年度《叱吒樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮》奪得「叱吒樂壇我最喜愛的女歌手」獎項。於2002年度《香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮》憑歌曲《終身美麗》奪得「最佳原創電影歌曲」獎項。於2007年度《Elle Style Awards》奪得「最具風格女歌手」獎項。




1992年,推出大碟《Never Too Late》,第一主打為《Say U'll be mine》,第二主打為《娃娃看天下》,第三主打為《這夜我不願離開》。第四主打為《2gether》,這首歌曲是由雷頌德與C.Y. Kong為鄭秀文所作的歌曲。


1994年,推出大碟《十誡》,第一主打為快歌《十誡》,這首歌曲在流行榜的位置相當不俗。其後,推出一首Remix《十誡(Indiana Jones Mix)》(這首Remix並不收錄在大碟《十誡》中,而收錄於下一張新曲+精選+Remix大碟《時間地點人物》中),這首Remix的回響不是十分大。於是,推出一首新的Remix《十誡(禁忌的遊戲)》,這首Remix引起電台及電視台禁播這首Remix。最後,推出第二主打為快歌《熱愛島》、第三主打為和平之歌《薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉》、第四主打為與許志安合唱歌曲《非一般愛火》。在同年,鄭秀文為杜德偉為商業二台錄製廣播劇《蘭茜夫人劇場之向愛情出發》主題曲《時間地點人物》,這首歌曲收錄於下一張新曲+精選+Remix大碟《時間地點人物》中。其後,推出大碟《失憶》,第一主打為快歌《失憶》,第二主打為鄭秀文第一次填詞的歌曲《苦戀》,這首歌曲改編自李克勤的《後悔》。第三主打為改編自李玟《我依然你的情人》的《給最傷心的人》,第四主打為改編自中國女歌手毛亞敏《愛情遊戲》的《達文西的情人》。其後,由於合約問題,華星唱片特意將鄭秀文雪藏,令鄭秀文沉寂了一段時間。

1995年,為商業二台錄製了一首廣播劇《青春奇怪劇場之四條恐龍》的主題曲《不要》。同年8月,推出在華星唱片最後一張大碟《其後》。第一主打為快歌《折翼天使》,第二主打為《內心戲》。第三主打為《再見》,代表著與華星唱片說聲再見,轉投華納唱片。同年年底,華星唱片為鄭秀文推出一張新曲+精選大碟《是時候新舊對照18 首》。








1996年5月,推出大碟《放不低》,此專輯收錄了電影《百分百感覺》主題曲《不拖不欠》。同年6月,推出第二張EP《小心女人EP》。同年9月,推出首張國語大碟《值得》。同年11月,推出大碟《濃情》,此專輯收錄了《TCBY Sammi X Live 96鄭秀文X空間演唱會》主題曲《X派對》、電影《百分百啱Feel》主題曲《默契》、與葉蒨文合唱歌曲《談情說愛》。同年12月,推出第三張EP《X派對Remix Kara EP》。其後,鄭秀文在紅磡香港體育館舉行首次個人演唱會《TCBY Sammi X Live 96鄭秀文X空間演唱會》。

1997年初,鄭秀文於1996年度《十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮》奪得「最受歡迎女歌星」獎項。同年4月,推出第二張國語大碟《為你等》,同年7月,推出大碟《我們的主題曲》。同年11月,推出大碟《生活語言》,此專輯收錄了《Texwood Sammi Star Show鄭秀文97演唱會》主題曲《星秀傳說》。其後,鄭秀文在紅館舉行第二次個人演唱會《Texwood Sammi Star Show鄭秀文97演唱會》。

1998年初,鄭秀文於1997年度《十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮》奪得「最受歡迎女歌星」獎項。同年7月,推出大碟《Feel So Good》,此專輯收錄了與美國歌唱組合All 4 One合唱歌曲《I Cross My Heart》。

1999年,鄭秀文與華納唱片續約。同年9月,推出大碟《很愛很愛》,此專輯收錄了與《Chase Sammi I Concert 99》主題曲《發熱發亮》。同年10月,鄭秀文在紅館舉行第三次個人演唱會《Chase Sammi I Concert 99》。

2000年初,鄭秀文憑歌曲《插曲》奪得1999年度《十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮》「金曲金獎」獎項。同年12月,推出大碟《Love Is...》,此專輯收錄了與Rap組合LMF合唱歌曲《愛是...》。

2001年6月,鄭秀文舉行首次拉闊音樂會《鄭秀文903拉闊音樂會2001》。同年7月,推出大碟《Shocking Pink》,此專輯收錄了《電訊盈科Trendy Eye鄭秀文Shocking Colours演唱會2001》主題曲《螢光粉紅》。同年9月7至16日 ,鄭秀文在紅館舉行第四次個人演唱會《電訊盈科Trendy Eye鄭秀文Shocking Colours演唱會2001》。同年12月,推出大碟《溫柔》,此專輯由作曲家陳輝陽監製。

2002年初,於2001年度《十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮》奪得「最受歡迎女歌星」獎項。同年10月,推出新曲+精選卡拉OK大碟《愛是...炫耀》,此專輯收錄了與成龍合唱歌曲《愛了就算》及與梅艷芳合唱歌曲《單身女人》。同年7月,推出大碟《Becoming Sammi》,此專輯由作曲家陳輝陽監製。同年11月,推出大碟《Wonder Woman》,此專輯收錄了「2002亞洲遊戲展」主題曲《神奇女俠》及電影《百年好合》主題曲《喜歡憎你》。


2004年2月,推出大碟《La La La》,此專輯收錄了電影《魔幻廚房》主題曲及2004百事賀歲廣告主題曲《調情》及特別加插了兩首音樂《Prelude...》、《Interlude...》。同年4月,推出國語新曲+精選+Medley+Remix大碟《Mi Century登峰造極世紀精選》,此專輯加插了一首Medley《2004 Mega Mix》及四首Remix《眉飛色舞-Remix》、《天衣無縫-Remix》、《說清楚-Remix》、《獨一無二-Remix》。同年7月,鄭秀文在紅館舉行第五次個人演唱會《景福How Collection Sammi VS Sammi鄭秀文04演唱會》。同年8月,推出首張翻唱大碟《Sammi VS Sammi》,此專輯由鄭秀文歌唱導師杜麗莎監製。

2006年1月4日,華納唱片為鄭秀文重新推出新曲+精選大碟《多謝新曲+精選》。同年9月,華納唱片為鄭秀文推出一張精選+Medley Remix大碟《Sammi Ultimate Collection》,此專輯特別打造四首06全新Medley Remix《粉紅色的神奇女俠大戰灰色的非男非女》、《粉紅色的神奇女俠大戰灰色的非男非女Extended Version》、《回味無窮》、《回味無窮Extended Version》。同年10月,華納唱片又為鄭秀文重新推出國語大碟《完整》。

2008年1月17日,華納唱片為鄭秀文推出一張精選大碟《鄭秀文極品精選LPCD Mastering》。



2007年2月27日,推出歌曲《愛情萬歲》。同年4月30日,推出《景福Show Mi鄭秀文2007演唱會》主題曲《Mi》。同年5月18日,鄭秀文在紅館舉行第六次個人演唱會《景福 Show Mi 鄭秀文 2007 演唱會》。同年8月3日,推出《景福Show Mi鄭秀文2007演唱會》珍藏版CD。同年10月20日,鄭秀文舉行首次上海演唱會《恆生銀行Show Mi鄭秀文2007上海演唱會》。同年10月24日,推出《景福Show Mi鄭秀文2007演唱會》限量版DVD。同年11月15日,推出《景福Show Mi鄭秀文2007演唱會》VCD。同年11月22日,推出《景福Show Mi鄭秀文2007演唱會》平裝版DVD。同年11月29日,推出《景福Show Mi鄭秀文2007演唱會》Blu-Ray天碟。同年12月7日,推出與何韻詩合唱歌曲《劍雪》,這首歌曲為「2007亞洲遊戲展」主題曲。



















Sammi Cheng Sau-Man is a Hong Kong actress and cantopop singer. Having enjoyed much success in the Hong Kong music industry, Sammi has been known as a diva.

Sammi Cheng was previously named Twinnie Cheng. Contrary to popular belief, "Twinnie" is not her birth name. The name came about when Sammi was still schooling and her English Language teacher wanted everyone in class to have an English name. When Sammi turned to her sister for help, her sister came up with the name "Twinnie". The name was later changed to "Sammi" as "Sammi" sounds a little like "Sau Man".

Sammi Cheng Sau Man entered the entertainment industry through a high profile, annual TV singing contest, New Talent Singing Awards in 1988, when she was only 16. Although she came in third in the competition, the sponsoring record company, "Capital Artist", saw potential in Sammi and offered her a recording contract. Sammi was still in school at that time, and had to balance her studies with her rising singing career. Before finishing school, Sammi had managed to release 3 full-length studio albums: Sammi, Holiday and Never Too Late. The sales of each of these albums surpassed the previous. Holiday, which was released in 1992, surprised many by managing to stay on the Top 10 Albums of the Week Sales Chart for a record-setting 10 weeks (despite merely lurking around in the bottom half of the chart). The gross sales of these albums were considered successful for a new artist, but didn't launch Sammi onto the playing field of A-list artists.

In 1993, Sammi realized that in order to rise from a top B-list artist to an A-list artist, she had to create a unique image for herself. At the time, another rising female artist, Faye Wong was a rising star in the music industry. Capitalizing on the attention she had been getting from her duet with the A-list artist Andy Hui, "其實你心裡有沒有我" (Do you really have me in your heart?), Sammi went through a complete 180-degree transformation. She dyed her hair orange, and changed her life. Sammi then came out with her 4th studio album, "鄭秀文的快樂迷宮" (Sammi's Happy Maze), which included the hit single, "Chotto 等等" (Chotto Matte). Her new image fitted well with the new single, which was a remake of a very upbeat Japanese song by Maki Ohguro. The success helped Sammi and boosted her singing career making her almost an A-lister.

In 1994, Sammi continued to capitalize on her wild, new image. Her first album of that year was "大報復" (Big Revenge). The album included the mega hit "叮噹" (Ding Dong), which became one of Sammi's all-time signature songs. But with her new fame also came a lot of backlash from the media. Critics pointed out that Sammi purposely westernized her Cantonese: instead of saying "Ding Dong", Sammi pronounced it as "Deen Dong". Despite the criticism, the song was one of most popular dance songs of that year. Throughout the rest of 1994, Sammi continued to release hit single after hit single, such as: Ten Commandments, Not Your Typical Love, Passion Island, Romeo and Juliet of Sarajevo, Amnesia and Bitter Love. The racy and controversial cut of Ten Commandments (which includes tiny bits of what can be recognized as a porn soundtrack) was banned from the radio a few days after its initial airplay.

In the beginning of 1995, Sammi did not renew her contract with Capital Artists. The record company reacted by putting her on the sidelines, using marketing resources previously dedicated to promoting her to promote the labels' other artists. Sammi disappeared from the public eye for nearly half a year. Later in that year, it was revealed that Warner Music had signed Sammi as their recording artist. Sammi wanted a fresh start. She let her hair color return to black and temporarily abandoned the wild image she used to have.

Her first album with Warner Music, "Can't Give You Up - 捨不得你" was extremely well received by the public. That album released 3 hit singles, "Gentlemen, you are so fine today - 男仕今天你很好", "Can't Give You Up - 捨不得你", and "The Mourning Song for Love - 愛的輓歌". In that same year, Panasonic also signed Sammi as their spokesperson for their latest CD walkman, using "Can't Give You Up - 捨不得你" as the theme song for their CD Player's TV Spot. It turned out to be a huge success for both Panasonic and Sammi. The song gained tremenous airplay and its popularity boosted Sammi straight back into the spotlight. The album and the singles swept most of the big awards in that year's annual music award shows. "Can't Give You Up" won the honour of Best Single of the Year at almost all of the year-ending music awards show in 1995. With "Can't You Give Up", Sammi became a household name in Hong Kong.

In 1996, Warner Music decided it was time for Sammi to expand her market and fan base beyond Hong Kong. They released her first Mandarin album, "Worth It - 值得". The album remains one of the best selling albums for a new artist in the Taiwanese market. The song "Worth It - 值得" also gained tremendous amount of airplay in many Mandarin speaking countries. During the summer blockbuster season, Sammi also launched her career on the big screen with the romantic comedy, "Feel 100% - 百分百感覺", with Ekin Cheng and Gigi Leung. This movie was a huge box office success with its great appeal towards the 20-something demograph. In conjunction with her newfound success on the big screen, Warner Music released Sammi's second album, "Can't Let Go - 放不低". The album was a huge success with hit singles, "Beware of Women - 小心女人", "Can't Let Go - 放不低" and "Owe Nothing - 不拖不欠". Panasonic decided to use Sammi's latest hit of that year "Can't Let Go - 放不低" to be the theme song for another TV spot for their latest CD walkman.

With the pop divas such as Sally Yeh and Faye Wong prioritizing their family life over their music career, the HK music industry was eagerly looking for the next pop diva. In the mid-1990s, in order to secure her place among the diva competitions with Cass Pang, Amanda Lee and Vivian Chow, Sammi finished her much successful year with her first concert, titled "Sammi's X-Dimension Concert - 鄭秀文X空間演唱會". The concert was very successful and Sammi created unforgettable styles by doning the Nike swoosh-shaped eyebrow, the Golden Bra and the Big Rose. At the same time of the concert, she released her last album of 1996, "Deep Passion - 濃情" which produced more hit singles such as "X Party - X派對", "Tacit Agreement - 默契", "The Angel of Calcutta, Mother Teresa - 加爾各答的天使-德蘭修女", "Let's Talk About Love (duet with Sally Yeh) - 談情說愛" and "Hesitation - 猶豫". By the time the year-end music award shows come around, Sammi came out as the biggest winner with her very first, "Most Popular Female Artist of the Year", "Top 5 Best Selling Artists of the Year", "Top Selling Female Artist of the Year" and also an accolade of awards for her singles, "Can't Let Go", "Owe Nothing", "Worth It" and "Tacit Agreement".

By the time 1997 rolled around, Sammi's status as a top pop diva in Hong Kong is confirmed. She started out the year with a brand new Mandarin album, "Waiting For You - 為你等". She followed that up a couple of months later with another new Cantonese album, "Our Theme Song - 我們的主題曲". Both of these albums were very successful. Continuing to spawn out hit singles one after another, Sammi made her 4th movie, "Killing Me Tenderly - 愛您愛到殺死您" with Leon Lai. Many singles from "Our Theme Song" can be found in the movie. Shortly after the release of her movie, Warner Music announced Sammi's second concert, titled "Sammi Star Show" and her last Cantonese album of the year, "The Language of Living - 生活語言". Sammi broke the record for being the only artist to host two concerts within a year.[citation needed] The concert was well received and like her first concert, she donned more styles like the black shiny bra, the devil's horns and the leaf bra. Toward the end of the year, Sammi once again dominated the award shows.

During the slump in the HK film industry of the late 1990s, Sammi Cheng staged a box office revolution by starring in the film 孤男寡女 - Needing You, helmed by acclaimed director Johnny To and co-starring Andy Lau, in 2000. The film, raked in HKD 6.5 million during its 1st 3 days of opening in Hong Kong, and amassed a total of HKD 35 million in Hong Kong alone, rivaling Mission Impossible II which screened during the same period in Hong Kong and triumphing all other Hong Kong films screened for the past few years. In the same year, 夏日的麼麼茶 - Summer Holiday earned HKD 21 million, which was ranked 2nd best-selling local film after Needing You in Hong Kong.

Although Sammi Cheng starred in movies like Feel 100%, which raked in more than HKD 40 million in 1996, the success of Needing You, amidst the gloom and doom of the Hong Kong film industry at the time. Following the success of Needing You, Sammi went on to star in more box office hits like (Summer Holiday, 2000), 鍾無艷 - (Wu Yen, 2001), 瘦身男女 - (Love on a Diet, 2001), 嫁個有錢人 - (Marry a Rich Man, 2002), 我左眼見到鬼 - (My Left Eye Sees Ghost, 2002) and many more, including the latest film, 長恨歌 - (Everlasting Regret, 2005), which earned her a nomination for Best Actress in the critically acclaimed Venice Film Festival.

In 2001 (and Hong Kong) alone, the movies Sammi starred in raked in a total of HKD 85 million, making her the best-selling actress of the year, falling behind Andy Lau with only HKD 3 million. She lost the title in the years after (except in 2004), some say due to her taking on less movies. In terms of box office per movie, she has maintained the accolade among Chinese actresses of having movies hit an average of HKD 22 million in 2003.

As a testament to her new title of Queen of Box Office, movie investors were willing to pay her as much as HKD 5.5 million to star in a movie, which was a 7-fold increase from her taking on as the role of Kinki in 孤男寡女, and placed her among one of the most highly sought-after actresses seen in the Chinese film industry.

There was even a report which stated that Sammi Cheng was the best-selling HK actress with a box-office taking of HK 360 million during the decade between 1997 and 2007.

Following her comeback in 2007, Sammi Cheng is poised to claim her long-lost reigning position in the Hong Kong film industry when she starts filming for her new movies at year-end.

After taking a break for about 2 years, Sammi re-invented herself once again, and held her 6th concert in HK from 18 to 25 May 2007 titled "Show Mi" ('Mi' being the nickname of SamMI given by her fans). Due to the huge demand for the tickets,which were all sold out for the four nights in one day, the concert went from four performances to eight. The concert was both commercially and critically successful. According to news sources, many audience members stood up, cheered and danced along with Sammi throughout the entire performance. At the end of the first show, audience members continued to shout 'encore' for 15 minutes until Sammi came back out and sang "Our Theme Song - 我們的主題曲".She has released her Show Mi Concert, and became the first Hong Kong Singer to release a concert in blu-ray, which has much higher video quality and sound quality. Sammi recently rededicated her life to be a born again Christian and has quit smoking in late 2007.

With the success of her Show Mi concert in Hong Kong, Sammi made her way to the following countries for her world tour concert:

22 - 23 Jun 2007: Genting Highlands, Malaysia
29 Jun 2007: Toronto, Canada
7 Jul 2007: Las Vegas, US
13 Oct 2007: Singapore
20 Oct 2007: Shanghai, China
23 March 2008: Mohegan Sun (Connecticut, U.S)
28 March 2008: New Zealand
02 May 2008: Melbourne
04 May 2008: Sydney

Sammi participated in China Snow Storm support effort where many artists including Andy Lau, Alan Tam, Kelly Chen, etc. recorded a song called "Warmth in the Snow" in support of those effected by the snow storm in China.
Since becoming more devoted to her Christian faith, Sammi has been participating actively in the activities of World Vision. She traveled to Laos with singer and actress Gigi Leung, also a World Vision volunteer, to experience for themselves the struggles of the local people and children. They also visited the local children there to find out more on their situation where food and supplies are lacking. When Sammi returned to Hong Kong, Gigi and her were invited to the radiobroadcast program 903 to talk about the experience and she responded she has "adopted" 13 children.
In May 2008, Sammi also recorded a new song, written by Andy Lau, with other artistes including Andy Hui to help raise funds for the victims of the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake. In addition to making a private donation fo HK$300 000, she will also be visiting parts of Sichuan to provide relief and comfort to the victims.
