Help: Languages and Dialects

There are no universally accepted criteria for distinguishing languages from dialects, so we decided to use the term language for the languages recognised in the ISO 693-2 international standard. For other idioms we used the term dialect. We decided not to distinguish between British English and American English. For the Italian language there are two dialects which are recognised as separate languages by ISO 639 standard: Neapolitan and Sicilian (and of course some real languages i.e. Sardinian, Friulian and Corsican). For different dialects please choose the corresponding language and write the name of the dialect in the native language (e.g. Milanese, Livornese, Schwyzertüütsch for Swiss German, "Português brasileiro" for Brazilian Portuguese).
If the language is not in the list, choose "Other Language...": a choice among all the languages in ISO 639 will be possible in a next page. Please select "Other Language..." also in the case that the song / translation is written in more than one language.

All the language names defined in the ISO 639-2 standard can be downloaded from this page which also includes the PHP code used in this site for defining the language names.