

Shervin Hajipour / شروین حاجی پور
Pagina della canzone con tutte le versioni

English translations and notes from
Per quando balli in strada nelle città,
Per quando tremi a dare un bacio in libertà
Per anche mia sorella, tua sorella, l’umanità
Per questo marcio che infesta la mentalità

Per quando poi ti vergogni, di quando non hai soldi
Per questa voglia che hai nel cuore di vivere
Per tutti i figli che cercano sogni in povertà
Per questo, contro tutti i limiti

Per tutto questo smog nelle città
Per tutti gli alberi che seccano e vengono giù
Ed anche per tutti gli animali che muoiono
Per tutti i morti senza colpe e giudici

Ed anche, per i pianti senza fine
Per questo eterno ripetersi di crudeltà
Per questa, voglia di sorridere
Per tutti i nostri studenti, per quello che sarà

Non voglio un paradiso unico
Ripenso a tutti i geni in carcere
Ed anche ai bambini afghani
Non voglio che tutto questo si ripeta più
Non voglio tutti questi canti così futili
Ripenso a tutte quelle case che vengono giù
Io voglio, sentirmi in pace
Per quando il sole poi sorgerà nel mio domani

Per quando, la notte il sonno tornerà
Per tutti noi, per crescere
Per quella figlia che non vuole stare sotto un hijab
Baraye zan, zendeghi, azadi

Baraye azadi!

For dancing in the streets (1)
For the fear when kissing (2)
For my sister, your sister, our sisters
For changing rotten brains (3)
For shame of money-lacking (4)
For yearing of just normal life
For garbadge boy and his dreams (5)
For this planned economics (6)
For this polluted air (7)
For Valiasr(8) and it's worn-out trees (9)
For Piruz and his possible extinction (10)
For dogs, innocent but banned (11)
For tears with no end
For this moment will never happen again (12)
For smiling faces
For students, for future
For this forced heaven (13)
For the national elite imprisoned
For Afghan children (14)
For all this "for"s with no repeat
For all this empty chants (15)
For houses, collapsing like card ones (16)
For the feel of peace
For the sun after long nights
For pills of nerves and insomnia
For men, homeland, development (17)
For girls wishing to be boys (18)
For women, life, freedom
For freedom
For freedom
For freedom
(1) In Iran dancing is prohibited in public
(2) Kissing in public is prohibited
(3) Rahbar and mullas that took the power and holding it for long decades
(4) GDP per capita there is about the same as in Bosnia or Albania, the country is very poor indeed despite of bottomless oil barrel right under the feet
(5) The reference to a video with a boy collecting garbadge in the streets, who, being asked "What's your dream?" answers "Dream - what's this?"
(6) Level of state regulation in economics is very high, the highest in Middle East, almost all the main enterprises are state-running and there are even fixed prices, of course, it causes regular economical crisises
(7) Because of sanctions there is no modern automotive industry so the air in cities is exremely polluted by non-ecological car exhausts
(8) One of the main and the longest streets of Tehran, along it there is an area of coffeshops and westernized public
(9) It means ecological problems with lack of attention. With no maintain trees are drying up and die. In a city where +45 it's a normal temperature it is a problem if there is no shade of trees
(10) Once again a reference to ecology and the state's disregard for it. Piruz is the name of the last one Asian cheetah cub in Iran
(11) It is prohibited to have dog and walk it, sometimes raids to capture and kill dogs occur
(12) At the photo in the clip there is wrighter Hamid Esmailion sitting with his 9 y.o. daughter Rira who died in flight 752 crush in 2020 when the plane was hit by AA rocket over Tehran
(13) Strict moral norms forcedly implemeting into society, officially leading the people to the heaven, actually causing situations like with Mahsa Amini
(14) Afghans in Iran have very few rights and low social status, their children have no right to school education and thus have to work
(15) While children in schools are forced to chant igeological slogans like "death to America", the children of rahbar itself live exactly in this America, and live very freely
(16) Because of poverty and corruption in the building supervision houses are very badly emgineered and build so it causes their collapse sometimes
(17) A chant-reply to "women, life, freedom" using to show it is not just a feminist protests but a protests of all the society against the dictatorship
(18) Because of inequality some things are forbidden for women, there are many manifestations of glass ceiling, so women are pity they're not men who have way more opportunities

Pagina della canzone con tutte le versioni

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