
Os vampiros

José Afonso
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Nel cielo grigio, sotto l’astro muto
Sbatton le ali nella notte quieta,
Arriva il branco, piedi di velluto,
Di sangue fresco presto si disseta.
In the grey sky under the speechless moon
Flapping their wings in the silent night
They come by packs at a velvety pace
To suck fresh blood from the flock.
C’è chi s’inganna, son seri d’aspetto,
E apre la porta con grande rispetto:
Divoran tutti, divoran tutto,
Non lascian nulla e poi tirano un rutto.
Someone is deceived by their serious look
And when they come lets them in with no fear:
They eat up everything, eat up everything,
They eat up everything and nothing is left.
Divoran tutti, divoran tutto,
Non lascian nulla e poi tirano un rutto.
They eat up everything, eat up everything,
They eat up everything and nothing is left.
They eat up everything, eat up everything,
They eat up everything and nothing is left.
Da ogni parte arrivano i vampiri,
Si posan sopra i tetti e nelle strade…
Predoni antichi, fanno i loro giri,
Addentan lesti ogni vita che cade.
The vampires come from everywhere,
They alight on roofs and on pavements…
They got old spoils in their filled bellies,
Nothing can nail them to broken lives.
Dell’universo intero son padroni,
Dominatori, e noi servi e lacché,
Non hanno legge, sono dei beoni
Di vino altrui e ruban pure al re.
They are the masters of the universe,
Lords by the force, rulers without law,
They fill up barns and drink new wine,
They dance the rondeau in the king's pinewood.
Divoran tutti, divoran tutto,
Non lascian nulla e poi tirano un rutto
Divoran tutti, divoran tutto,
Non lascian nulla e poi tirano un rutto.
They eat up everything, eat up everything,
They eat up everything and nothing is left.
They eat up everything, eat up everything,
They eat up everything and nothing is left.
Cadono i vinti a terra spaventati,
Si senton grida sorde nella notte
E nelle fosse giaccion massacrati
Per un’idea, un credo e delle lotte.
The vanquished fall to the ground with fear,
Cries are heard in the choked night.
Victims of an idea lie dead in the graves,
And there's always fresh blood from a flock.
C’è chi s’inganna, son seri d’aspetto,
E apre la porta con grande rispetto:
Divoran tutti, divoran tutto,
Non lascian nulla e poi tirano un rutto.
Someone is deceived by their serious look
And when they come lets them in with no fear:
They eat up everything, eat up everything,
They eat up everything and nothing is left.
Divoran tutti, divoran tutto,
Non lascian nulla e poi tirano un rutto.
Divoran tutti, divoran tutto,
Non lascian nulla e poi tirano un rutto.

Divoran tutti, divoran tutto,
Non lascian nulla e poi tirano un rutto.
Divoran tutti, divoran tutto,
Non lascian nulla e poi tirano un rutto.
They eat up everything, eat up everything,
They eat up everything and nothing is left.
They eat up everything, eat up everything,
They eat up everything and nothing is left.

They eat up everything, eat up everything,
They eat up everything and nothing is left.
They eat up everything, eat up everything,
They eat up everything and nothing is left.

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