Palestine Street

Chansons contre la Guerre de Palestine Street
Palestine Palestine

Palestine Street
Palestine Street

Palestine Street is a rap group from Dhiesheh Refugee Camp in Bethlehem-Palestine. They started in 2004 and they were called ''Badluck Band''. This names has changed and now they are called "Palestine Street". Palestine Street are 4 guys; 3 MC’s and the Dj . Mohammd 20 years old, Diya 20, Soud 20 and Hisham 22. They conducted many performances in the West Bank and in Europe.
They sing for the Palestinian cause and for the Palestinian people who are facing hardship living in refugee camps and under the Israeli occupation. In particular, the issue of the Palestinian refugees is a main subject in the band songs since they are themselves refugees living in a camp.
They also had workshops with children in the West Bank, Europe and the UK. They also worked with many artists from the United States, Europe, the UK and Africa.

Palestine Street working now in Dheisheh Camp on their new album which will be released soon. They also work with children from the camp to give them the chance to express themselves by hip-hop and rap and music in general. As a result, the children have recorded 4 songs about many issues concern them such as life in the camp, the hardships they face as children in the camp as well as The Separation Wall in the West Bank.
Palestine Street, work to build a new generation that is conscious and educated, aware if what's going on around. A new young generation that does not accept complacency and escape. A new generation that makes the change by words and deeds.